lunes, 11 de julio de 2022

Robert Smithson

Hi everyone, today Im going to talk about a very big inspiration for me. Is Robert Smithson, Americans sculptor. Forefather of Land Art with a very powerfull vision of the enviroment and the chaos, which lives in everything. He help to spand the territory of sculture and art expressions. Before his most famous art works, sadly died in 1973.
His most famous art works are Broken Circle (1971) and Spiral Jetty (1970). Awesome pieces in open spaces.
I really like his work because he create an space where the people and the art works can lives in the same horizon, you can walk around the piece, see the world through his eyes. Also he works a lot with industrial waste to make awareness about the damage in our enviroment, and how the nature going to come back to her beginning, the chaos.

lunes, 4 de julio de 2022

My favorite photography

This picture was taked by my little sister in the summer of this year, 2022. You can see my favorite person in the world, my grandma, she raised me and taught me a lot of things, she is for me the safest place and the warmest hug. I love this pic because we were so happy and having a good day in the pool with all the family. She was telling me a joke like always and making me laugh. And that was the first time in my life where I felt really good in my own body after a surgery. Like a new beginning.

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2022

My Favorite Food

Hi everyone! Today Im gonna talk about my favorite food, and this is tuna melt with green peppers, is actually my comfort food. You can make it with bread, onions, tuna with mayo, cheddar cheese and fresh green peppers. At first you have to put in the sandwich the onions, tuna with mayo and cheddar, then you put this in the oven for a one or two minutes, finally you can add the green peppers for the crunch. I love this food because is so delicious, tasty and my favorite part is crunchy. I always eat food that make sound. And when Im sad this sandwich can makes me happy, relax and safe. This is a healthy food if you eat this once a week, and that frequency is perfect for me. Definitely you have to try it one day.

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2022

My favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is my cell phone, I use it for everything like keep in touch with my family and friends, post pictures on my Instagram, and the most important I use my cell phone to work, in the tattoo world the social media and adversiting are very important, and I love listening to music all day with my phone on Spotify. It affects my life in a lot of ways, sometimes it can be a distraction but it is more usefull than anything else. It is my work tool and it keeps me connected with the world and my clients. I use it mostly in the night when I have more time and energy for this, because my days are very exhausting. I always recommend it but you have to know how distracting it can be too. Use it always with responsability.

jueves, 7 de abril de 2022

My Career

The journey that bring me here was long, but with a lot of learning. When I was a child, I wanted to be a dancer or a veterinarian, and my family love that. At the moment of applying to university I have in my options psychology and teaching language or history, in fact I studied History two and a half years before this career. But things change and I want another things for my life, I decided study this career because I want to learn more about all the art techniques and complement my job. My experience in University so far has been cool, but I really hates how university works. I just wanna enjoy the last years. My dream job is being a tattoo artist for the rest of my life and be an independent artist. Live my life doing what I love most. @_catarsis.tattoo_

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2022


Hi everyone My name is Cielo, I´m a non binary person and this is a little review of my history. I was born in Talcahuano, eigth region of Chile. The 9th March of 1999. Yes, I`m a Piscis. I lived most of my life in Concepcion, where I studied since the primary school until my high school prom. Then I started to study in the Concepcion University for two years and a half, but I realized that wasn`t what I really wanted for my life. In this mental breakdown I discovered the tattoo world and I fell in love immediately, so I decided to start over again in a new University and city. Currently I live in Ñuñoa, Santiago de Chile. Now I pursue a degree of Visual Arts in the University of Chile and I`m a tattoo artist. About my family, it is a long and hard story but I have two amazing little sisters, they loves me as I`m no mater what, I have a big family with a lot of cousins, and a lovely dog named Sol. My family is really dysfuctional, before I came here to Santiago I lived with my grandma and I`m very gratefull for all the love they give me. Even our ways are separate now I know our hearts are always close. I really love to take pictures of nature and my friends to collect memories. The botanical drawing is one of my big hobbies, also watching anime and old movies, I really love the cinema world and the theatre, to Dance, walk, hangout with my Friends, go to parties and discover new places are my hobbies. My passion in this life is the art in all forms,it is the reason why I came here, my curiosity and the feeling for this world has no end. The tattoo art is what saved my life in numerous ways, for this I feel always gratefull for the life I live now.

Robert Smithson

Hi everyone, today Im going to talk about a very big inspiration for me. Is Robert Smithson, Americans sculptor. Forefather of Land Art with...