lunes, 11 de julio de 2022

Robert Smithson

Hi everyone, today Im going to talk about a very big inspiration for me. Is Robert Smithson, Americans sculptor. Forefather of Land Art with a very powerfull vision of the enviroment and the chaos, which lives in everything. He help to spand the territory of sculture and art expressions. Before his most famous art works, sadly died in 1973.
His most famous art works are Broken Circle (1971) and Spiral Jetty (1970). Awesome pieces in open spaces.
I really like his work because he create an space where the people and the art works can lives in the same horizon, you can walk around the piece, see the world through his eyes. Also he works a lot with industrial waste to make awareness about the damage in our enviroment, and how the nature going to come back to her beginning, the chaos.

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Robert Smithson

Hi everyone, today Im going to talk about a very big inspiration for me. Is Robert Smithson, Americans sculptor. Forefather of Land Art with...